Thursday, July 10, 2008

Down Time

Ouch. That's all I have to say right now.

I've dedicated myself to frequent updates on Denver area bike paths but my output for June was minimal. Summer concert season is in full swing, that takes away bike time.

July's gonna be even worse. As a fan of Blues Traveler I was at the front of the line at Red Rocks on July 4th. Sitting on the stairs all day requires some preparation. Food and lots of water plus grapes and stuff. We also brought a 12' x 24' tarp and fashioned a sun shelter for us and the usual suspects who line up early for Blues Traveler every year.

Long story short, when we were breaking down the tarp, I was cutting a rope with my Swiss army knife and I accidentally sliced my arm pretty bad. The paramedics at Red Rocks were great, they wrapped it up real nice but I had to go elsewhere to get it sewn up.

I did that at an Urgent Care facility at 6th & Simms, about 10 minutes from Red Rocks.
After getting sewn up we went back to Red Rocks for the concert. We missed about 10 minutes of the first band but that's ok, I was only there to see Traveler.

Our friends from the line saved us front row center seats so that was cool. Providing shade is a good way to make friends.

I've been up there on July 4th since 1998, back when they did two nights. My friend Mike's been going since 1996. Blues Traveler has been playing Red Rocks on July 4th since 1990. One year they didn't come but 17 of the last 18 years they've played Red Rocks.

I sat in the taping section behind the soundboard cause I'm a taper. I went up front a couple times to check it out but as the anesthesia wore off all I wanted to do was sit quietly.

Gravely wounder taper still makes the recording. How's that for dedication? Blues Traveler allows fans to record their concerts. I was the lone taper on July 4th 2008 so it's a good thing I went. FYI I was running Schoeps CMC6 MK4 microphones into a Sound Devices 722. I never got that show up on the internet. If you like Blues Traveler I'd be happy to send a copy of the show, just e me.

So my arm is really messed up. I get my stitches out July 18th. No bike riding till then. July 19th I'm taking the Denver Post Cheyenne Frontier Days steam train.
Arm before. Ewww gross.

Arm now. Nasty scar but not so gross. My first scar. It will always be associated with Blues Traveler, July 4th and Red Rocks. All good things to me.

You know I'll be retelling that story a lot as an old timer.

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